HB 73 Return to work after 90 days just passed the Floor of the House. House Bill 119 adjusting school bus funding to prior years to assure sufficient funds also passed just prior to HB73. The House is still in Session after all night deliberations.
Senate Bill 1 - the teacher three tiered minimum salaries has passed the House Education Committee..,
HB57 2023 transportation distribution adjustment (use of earlier ridership) has passed the House
SB243 passed the Senate Education Committee unanimously. The Chair indicated that there are currently no House Bills in the cue for Friday. Che k nmlegis.gov for updates.
SB 36. - Stewart passed the Senate Finance Committee and appears to be part of the General Appropriations Act.
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CS/HB122 Cyber Security has passed House Education. The substitute removed the control of the project from DoIt and allows all districts and charters access to the funds. It still awards the funds to DoIt and is likely to be further amended in HAFC as it moves forward.
Senate Bill175 was held over on the senate floor until Monday. Also House Education and Senate Education will both meet Monday morning. Go to nmlegis.gov for those calendars. Senate Finance Committee will begin considering HB2 on Monday..
Senate Bill 175 Retiree Return to Service bill passed the Senate Finance Committee today and is scheduled to be heard on the Senate Floor tomorrow. This bill fulfills our legislative platform request.
Tomorrow House Education meets at 9:00 and will hear HB122, School Cyber Security Program; Senate Education will meet at 9:30 to hear SB 195, Statewide Media Literacy Program.
The House is scheduled to hear the General Appropriations Act (HAFC sub/HB2,3) sometime after they convene at 11:00 am
Senate Bill 1 passed Senate Finance Committee last night unanimously. This sets the $50,000, $60,000, and $70,000 minimums for teachers and subsequently, principals. This bill will now go to the Senate Floor.
Senate Bill 172 which provides for Return to Work after 90 days unanimously passed Senate Education.
The General Appropriations Act is scheduled to be heard on the floor of the House late this morning. It should then move to the Senate on Friday.
The weather may change times of legislative process today. Go to nmlegis.gov for updates.
The House Appropriations and Finance Committee is expected to vote on the final Committee Substitute of HB2 tomorrow morning. It is expected that the committee will act to eliminate the mandatory ELTP and K-5+ language, recraft the funding for ELTP, incentivize pay for ELTP and K-5+, increase k-12+ opportunities, increase salaries 7% and set higher teacher minimum salaries for 3 tiered system. Also expected to raise minimum salaries for educational personnel. The specifics of these portions should be released sometime after tomorrow’s committee meeting.
House Education met today and passed HB87 Indian Education Fund Distributions,HB88 Yazzie Lawsuit Appropriations, and HB90 Appropriations for Yazzie Lawsuit; each with amendment.
Senate Education met today and passed SB 101 School Group Insurance Contributions, SB132 Educational Assistant Minimum Salaries.
House Appropriations and Finance Committee acted today to remove the mandatory language for ELTP in action today. They will take final action on HB2 on Tuesday.
House Education passed HB 57 which establishes pre-pandemic ridership for each district for FY23 assuring the necessary funding for student transportation. They approved an amendment that assured that new charters were also protected.
In the joint budget session of HEC and SEC staff from LFC noted that the HAFC acted yesterday to remove the mandatory language for ELTP. The staff was directed to remove certain funding for ELTP. A meeting of HAFC is still scheduled for 9:00 am tomorrow (Saturday) through broadcast. Go to nmlegis.gov for access.
House Education action today approved HB119 which will significantly increase the state match for SB9 for all districts;
Senate Education approved SB1 which sets teacher minimums at $50,000, $60,000, and 70,000; SB36 which will increase and fund 2% increase in employer share starting in the 2022-23 school year to offset the unfounded liability of the ERB fund with no increase of employee match.
House Appropriations reviewed and approved the PED budget.
House Appropriations will review the proposed HB 2 budget including SEG and ELTP funding on Saturday morning at 9:00 am.
House and Senate Education will meet Friday morning. Go to nmlegis.gov for agendas.
House Education and Senate Education meet Wednesday morning to consider several important bills to us. Please go to nmlegis.gov for agendas and Zoom connect information.
House Education Committee met this morning and approved HB 13 Teacher Residency Changes which will allow teacher residency for undergraduate seniors to do approved residencies in local school districts and be funded for that residency; approved HB 59 School Group Insurance Contributions which would raise the employer share for NMPSIA districts to 80% and fund that district share for FY23; approved HB 73 Educational Retirees Returning to Work which would add an additional provision allowing a retirement layout of 90 days allowing return to work at full salary in districts for a period of 36 months (consecutive or non-consecutive). To review calendars for House Education and Senate Education for Wednesday, go to nmlegis.gov.
House Education Committee to hear HB73 supporting the NMCEL/NMSSA Platform.
Linda Vieira, Committee Assistant, Room 313, ext. 4842, Molly Forgaard, Committee Assistant, Room 313 ext. 4852
HOUSE EDUCATION COMMITTEE - G. Andres Romero, CHAIR Monday, January 24, 2022 - 8:00 a.m. - Room 309 - Zoom Organization and Orientation for Committee
HB 13 HB 59 HB 73
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When: Jan 24, 2022 08:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Any amendments, substitutes, handouts, or supplemental information shall be submitted to Linda Vieira at linda.vieira@nmlegis.gov at least 24 hours before the committee hearing.
Talked to the Chair of House Education, Chair of Senate Education about committee schedules. House Education will meet on Friday for an organizational meeting and then begin hearing bills on Monday. Senate Education will begin meeting on Monday, also. Both Committees will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. You can access their committee calendars by going to nmlegis.gov.