We want to wish all of our educational leaders and fellow educators a Happy Holiday Season!!!
Today NMCEL/NMSSA honor our Veterans past and present. Thanks for your service!
Register for the 2022 NMCEL Golf Tournament benefitting scholarship students! The tournament takes place on **TUESDAY JULY 12TH** at the Santa Ana Golf Course. Tee time is 7:30am. Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G8Np9BWZCE6m5KSZDQFXPry6qV8WtKFJgD8T2yZ2cGZUODE0TFREOVRBRjNJVjRKTjdZT0lWSERZVi4u
URGENT! Golf Tournament date changed due to scheduling issue! The tournament will now be held in July 12 rather than July 11 at Santa Ana Golf Course at the same times as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience this change creates.
Register now for the NMCEL 2022 Summer Conference! See the agenda and registration information here: https://5il.co/19hrr
The NMCEL Board and the New Mexico School Superintendents Association will participate in a joint luncheon with the Secretary of Education Dr. Kurt Steinhaus at 12:00 noon at Hotel Albuquerque on Thursday, April 7. The NMSSA will meet with the Secretary following the luncheon.
NMCEL Board will meet at the NMAA Conference Room at 10:00 am on Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Superintendent Dennis Roch participated in AASA salute to National Superintendent of the Year as Nee Mexico’s representative in Nashville.
HB73 Return to Work passes the Senate and goes to the Governor for signature….
HB 119 adjust school distributions for SB9 passes the Senate…will head to Governor’s desk
Senate Bill 36 Contributions to Educational Retiree Fund has passed the House Floor and will head to the Governor’s desk.
HB 57 Transportation Distribution Calculations has passed the Senate sending it to the Governor.
HB13 - Teacher Residency Changes has Passed the Senate…moving on to the Governor’s desk
Senate Bill 1, setting minimum teacher salaries passed the House. It now moves to the Governor.
The General Appropriations Act has passed the Senate tonight. It included a 7% increase, raises three tiered minimums for teachers to $50,000, $60,000, &70,000 as well as increases the minimum wages of all school personnel to $15/hr. Additionally, it adds provisions to include extended learning, K-5+, and K-12+,raises funding for textbooks by $8million. And it allows districts who have already selected to operate on a four-day week to continue to do so. We will post an updated comparison chart as soon as it becomes available.
Senate Education Committee passed several important bills that had passed over from the House: HB13 Teacher Residency Changes; HB57 2023 Transportation DistributionChanges; HB73 Educational Retirees Returning to Work; HB119 Adjust Certain School Distribution Changes for Capitol Improvements. These will all proceed to the Senate Floor for final consideration.
The General Appropriations Act has passed the Senate Finance Committee with very few changes for public schools. It appears that the language on 4 day weeks appears to have been changed to allow all districts who are currently practicing 4 day weeks to continue . The language does appear to restrict future additional growth in 4 day districts. We will see the newly adopted HB2 later today and will be able to fully “score” the changes.
The General Appropriations Act (HB2) is still being considered in SFC. The debate is not regarding public school support. We expect it will move out of SFC by tomorrow morning.
Senate Bill 36 increasing employer contributions passes House Education Committee this morning unanimously .
Correction HB119 passed the floor of the House. This bill increases the state match for SB 9 for all districts participating in the Capital Improvements Act…,