Good evening. I am attaching SFCS/HB2,3 which was adopted early this morning by the House as they concurred with the action of the Senate in total for the General Appropriations Act (GAA). The sections that deal with the Appropriations for Public schools are found on Pages 122-128; 169-180; 199-201; 209; 216; and 233. As soon as the LESC Completes the comparison chart, I will provide it to you (probably next week).
Highlights of the GAA include an average 4% salary increase for all education employees (same for teachers); continued funding of Extended Learning and K-5+ with some softened language on cohorting. I will be communicating with the Executive on line-item veto action on certain language to allow the PED to use even more flexibility. Right now there is $30 million for ELT-like demonstration projects by schools that could lead towards more ELT and K-5+ design.
HB 319 (CES Fix Bill) passed this morning just before the Senate went into a filibuster for the rest of the morning. SB111 (ERB Fix for Substitutes) passed early this morning; HB254 (2 mil levy enhancement) passed late last night. And there is $18.9 million through PSFA to be distributed to Impact Aid districts that have Native American students to be distributed proportionately for capital outlay.
I am attaching the compilation that Joe Guillen sent you this afternoon (we have been partnering on our information release) for your information.
As we have time to concentrate on the total scope of language, etc. I will provide further updates.
Happy reading!
Best Regards:
Stan Rounds
Executive Director
NM Coalition of Educational Leaders/
NM School Superintendents Association