HB 171 - graduation requirements passed Senate Education without amendment 5-3. SJR 9, State Board of Education was temporarily tabled in House Education.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
House Education meets Monday:
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
House Education Schedule
Senate Education meets Monday. Attached is the Schedule
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Senate Education Schedule
HB 171 the Graduation Credit Bill passed the House Floor with only one dissenting vote. It will now move to the Senate. It passed without floor amendment.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
New Mexico School Boards Association honored on the floor of the House of Representatives.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
New Mexico School Boards officers and National School Boards President honored on floor of House of Representatives
House passes the General Appropriations Act and moves it to the Senate. An amendment by Representative Armstrong removed funding for the K-12 portion as a response to the 180 day rule passed the floor with 40 affirmative votes.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
The House meets to consider the State Budget
SJR 9 State Board of Education will be heard next in the Senate floor.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
The full agendas of legislative committees are available the night before the meeting are available at nmlegis.gov by going to "committees" then pdf agendas.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
House bill 199 that would set a minimum salary of $30,000 for employees of public school districts in New Mexico passed the House Education Committee.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Senate Joint Resolution 9 that would return the oversight of public education to a State Board of Education passed the Senate Education Committee 6-1. It now moves to the Senate Floor. The bill is a bipartisan effort with sponsors Bill Soules (D) and Steven Neville (R). Should the resolution pass it would go before the voters in the next general election.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
A joint meeting of HEC and SEC with a packed house in audience to review the various funding recommendations.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
LESC, PED, LFC present to the combined SEC/HEC committee
Here is the Senate Ed Agenda for today. All can be found at nmlegis.gov
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Senate Ed Agenda
Good day! Today is officially the 5th day of the 30 day legislative session. Both education committees will meet this morning. House Education will meet beginning at 8:30 am for an organizational meeting and the at 9:30 for a joint meeting with Senate Education to hear budget proposals. The Senate Education Committee will meet beginning at 9:00 am and then will go into joint meeting with House Education to hear the budget proposals. Senate Ed is also scheduled to hear its first two bills following the joint hearing. The agendas and bills to be considered can always be found at n
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Legislative Education Study Committee in the process of adopting its final committee sponsored legislative package including their final budget recommendations for the 2024 Legislative Session which starts tomorrow. Updates can be found through this feed throughout the legislative session. Stay tuned.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
LESC Meets in Santa Fe prior to the 2024 Session
Today over 300 speakers are present at the PED, Mabry Hall to speak mostly against the School Calendar Rule and the accreditation rule.
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
people gather to form group 3 for speaking
more gathering speakers
on-line URL if you want to watch
We want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
about 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Autumn Beauty
Congratulations to Albuquerque Public Schools - Monte Vista Elementary School, Aztec Municipal Schools - Lydia Rippey Elementary School, and Gallup-McKinley County Schools - Lincoln Elementary School for earning the prestigious honor of being named a National Blue Ribbon School! Huge Celebration in Washington, D.C. Very proud of these districts, schools, educators, leaders, parents, families, and students! Congratulations!
about 1 year ago, Bonnie Lightfoot
aps nbrs
gallup nbrs
aztec nbrs
all 3 nbrs
Congratulations to Dr. Kim Mizell who recently celebrated in Washington DC at the AASA Conference as the NMSSA 2022 Superintendent of the Year. Great time celebrating with US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, other state nominees, her fabulous hubby and Stan, our Executive Director at the black tie gala!
about 1 year ago, Bonnie Lightfoot
Mizell's in DC
Secretary of Ed DC
Stan in DC
Good turn out and terrific presentation and workshop with Ruby Payne at Embassy Suites. Thanks to CES and David Chavez and staff continuing providing excellence in professional development.
over 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Ruby Payne delivers
New Mexico Leaders learning great tools for leadership in today’s schools
Great attendance at NMSBA Regional meeting in Las Vegas! Great to be part of it. Great food, great friends, and wonderful student entertainment!
over 1 year ago, Stan Rounds
Joe Guillen always leading NMSBA forward!